Look Who's talking about
Practical Principles...
- Eric Shin
Principal Percussion, National Symphony Orchestra
"Joe's book is a helpful and practical resource for teachers
and students alike."
- Tim Genis
Principal Timpani, Boston Symphony Orchestra
"Practical Principles For Snare Drum is a great book for the concepts of fundamental snare drum technique and reading skills. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in becoming a serious percussionist."
- Tony Ames
Principal Percussion (retired) National Symphony Orchestra
Lecturer, Percussion, University of Maryland
"A terrific method book for the beginner; Logical and surprisingly rapid in its presentation. The duets are wonderful...
- Dr. Lee Hinkle
Lecturer, Percussion, University of Maryland
Director, Percussion Ensemble, University of Maryland
"Practical Principles for Snare Drum is a wonderful new addition to the arsenal of snare drum pedagogy books. Among its many fine characteristics are the inclusion of several duets that can be performed by teacher and student. These duets are wonderful teaching tools as they allow for the development of chamber music and listening skills early on in the players development. Many thanks to Joe McIntyre for a stellar new snare drum text!"
- John R. Beck
Percussion Faculty,
University of North Carolina School for the Arts
Former President, Percussive Arts Society
"Practical Principles For Snare Drum is an enjoyable addition to the method books available for teaching beginning students. The balance of technical and reading skills along with the duets that can be played by the teacher and student offer a variety of tools for teaching percussionists to become better musicians."
- Dr. Michael Gatti
Percussion Instructor and Chair of Music,
Dematha Catholic High School, Maryland
"Practical Principles For Snare Drum" offers a fresh perspective on teaching critically important aspects of snare drum performance for beginning, intermediate and advanced students. Every page is clear, well thought-out and user-friendly to the student and educator alike. I look forward to many years of student-teacher collaboration with "Practical Principles."
- Doug Wallace
Principal Timpani, Alexandria Symphony Orchestra
Author, "Percussion with Class"
"The teacher student duets, rudiment exercises, thorough study of all time signatures, and inclusion of percussion parts from popular marches will keep teachers and students engaged and excited about the snare drum."
- Rich O'Meara
"It's perfect! Just the right approach and pace. Fun duets too."
- Ronald Barnett
Professor of Percussion (retired) University of Maryland
Timpanist (retired) Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra
"This is an excellent beginning snare drum book, it is well organized and emphasizes counting and rhythmic recognition."
- Mark Carson
Assistant Principal Percussion (retired) U.S. Air Force Band
"Practical Principles For Snare Drum ia a clear, well organized, pedagogically sound book that takes students quickly and logically from beginner to intermediate levels."
- Tom Jones
Freelance Percussionist, Washington, DC
"An excellent method book for beginning snare drum that includes fundamentals of reading music plus technique."